
Terms And Conditions

Dye Fodder Discs are based in Medford, Oregon and have been selling discs since Jan 2022. Currently we sell only in the United States and ship via USPS. All information provided by buyers is solely used for shipping and order communication. We will not sell your information.
This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of third parties that I do not own or control, including DiscDyeDotCom or any third party services you access through DiscDyeDotCom. You can reference the DiscDyeDotCom Privacy Policy to learn more about its privacy practices.
To fulfill your order, you must provide me with certain information (which you authorized DiscDyeDotCom to provide to me), such as your name, email address, postal address, payment information, and the details of the product that you’re ordering. You may also choose to provide me with additional personal information (for possible custom orders), if you contact me directly.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me at dyefoderdiscs@gmail.com

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