Discraft ESP ANAX 173.3g disc golf driver Madhatter Lab Rag Dye
Discraft ESP ANAX (Pictured Disc)
MadHatter Mad Gradient Dyed
ESP ANAX (Pictured Disc)
scales 175.5 grams
Wonder Bread Foil Stamp
10 Speed
6 Glide
0 High Speed Turn
3 Low Speed Fade
1.9 Stability
10 | 6 | 0 | 3
Introducing the 3rd disc in Paul McBeth’s lineup – The Anax (pronounced ‘aa·nuhks’). A strong, overstable fairway driver with the sharp rim of a distance driver but the comfort, thinner rim, and precision of a fairway driver. The Anax has quickly become a staple in player’s bags across the globe. Stamped with Paul’s standard stock design, these discs are timeless.
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Condition: New
Sleepy Scale Grade: 9+/10 - Custom Dyed/10
Availability: 1 in stock
Categories Discs, Discs - Dyed, Dyed, Dyed
Tags #discraft, #madgradient, #prochemicalanddye, anax, disc golf, MadHatter
Brand: Discraft